What is a scar revision?
A scar revision is a procedure done on a scar to alter the appearance of the scar. The revision may improve the cosmetic appearance of the scar, restore function to a part of the body that may have been restricted by the scar, or improve an itchy scar.
If the scar is not responsive to nonsurgical management options, surgery may be done. One type of surgery directly removes the scar formation with an incision, and stitches are placed to help close the wound. Sometimes, skin grafts are used to help close the wound. This involves replacing or attaching skin to an area that is missing skin. Skin grafts are done by taking a piece of healthy skin from another area of the body (called the donor site) and attaching it to the needed area.
Another option for scar treatment is laser surgery. Scars may be treated with a variety of different lasers, depending on the underlying cause of the scar. Lasers may be used to smooth a scar, remove the abnormal color of a scar, or flatten a scar.