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What is Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a chronic skin disorder that causes areas of skin to lose colour. It presents as depigmented (white) patches. Exposed body sites, such as the face, elbows, knees, hands and feet, are often involved, resulting in significant cosmetic concerns. Vitiligo is usually treated with creams and tablets, or by phototherapy. Vitiligo may fail to improve or clear with these treatments. Surgical treatment options can be considered in patients with stable vitiligo.

What is the goal of Vitiligo Surgery?

The goal of vitiligo surgery is to achieve complete repigmentation that cosmetically matches the surrounding normal skin.
Appropriate patient selection is vital in ensuring the best outcome, as not all patients or vitiliginous skin sites are suitable for surgery. Prior to surgery the following patient factors should be considered:

  • The age of the patient
  • Patient expectations
  • Disease stability
  • Size and location of the vitiligo patch
  • The proposed method of surgery
  • The proposed donor site
  • What are the different types of vitiligo surgery?
  • All types of surgical treatment aim to transfer melanocytes (pigment-producing cells) from normal skin (the donor site) to the skin affected by vitiligo.
Types of surgical treatment for Vitiligo

Skin grafting: In this procedure, your doctor transfers very small sections of your healthy, pigmented skin to areas that have lost pigment. This procedure is sometimes used if you have small patches of vitiligo.
Blister grafting: In this procedure, your doctor creates blisters on your pigmented skin, usually with suction, and then transplants the tops of the blisters to discolored skin.
Cellular suspension transplant: In this procedure, your doctor takes some tissue on your pigmented skin, puts the cells into a solution and then transplants them onto the prepared affected area. The results of this repigmentation procedure start showing up within four weeks.

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